For an archive of meeting notes pre-dating the Aether Project moving from ONF to LF, click here.
- Discuss recent reports
- OnRamp
- Why ROC's Atomix is deployed in the core Kubernetes namespace (kube-system)? [Gabriel]
- Is it possible to visualize metrics/measurements in the ROC?
- Is it possible to visualize metrics/measurements in the ROC?
- ...
1-28-25 (Today's Agenda)
- Infrastructure
- GitHub Actions
- Generate AMI instances
- SD-Core
- Webconsole changes by Canonical
- Extending API to support adding UPFs/Slices
- Should not have impact on legacy API
- Includes swagger support
- Article on security flaws in open source core:
- PDF of academic report:
- To revisit next week
- Webconsole changes by Canonical
- Draft evaluation report:
- Let's review and plan to discuss next week
- anything we disagree with? If so - raise it now before this is finalized
- what do we do this this now? Anything actionable?
- Press/PR opportunity? Can we tease out some positives to publicize?
- Reviewing an announcement of v1.5
- Working on webinar; to include a demo
- OnRamp
- Jenkins now stable enough to spot regressions
- Multi-UDP Test has been failing since Jan 2nd
- Possibly related to SD-Core chart upgrade from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0?
- See for example
- ARA Deployments
- Preparing SD-RAN ARA blueprint
- Working on K8S support on ARA portal
- Take note of RKE2 dependency
- SD-Core
- SD-Core + Ericsson RAN blueprint review
- Other Topics
- ...
- Monogoto Introduction (
- Infrastructure
- Jenkins updated to recent LTS
- Aether Registry includes a proxy for Docker Hub
- Also a daily script that copies latest images from Docker Hub to Registry
- SD-Core
- Enforcing MongoDB ReplicatSet or Sharded Cluster for transaction support (Ghislain)
- Standalone mode doesn't support transactions
- Should just work
- Support AF_PACKET mode in helm charts to enable E2E tests in GH actions (Ghislain)
- Working towards e2e tests for PRs
- May run into "GH runners" limitations and need Jenkins involvement
- If this proves to be the case, existing Jenkins "Quickstart" job is close (e2e gnbsim+sdcore)
- would need to modify to work on candidate images
- Review, test, and merge ~20 PRs opened by Dependabot (dependencies)
- Adjusting log level to reduce performance penalty
- Enforcing MongoDB ReplicatSet or Sharded Cluster for transaction support (Ghislain)
- Reviewing release notes
- Will announce release
- Then will work on webinar
- Looking to August for 1.6 release
- OnRamp
- SD-Core playbooks updated to use
- SD-RAN and ROC are still pending
- Connect Pixel7a phone with srsRAN blueprint (USRP X310, band 78)
- Checking O-RAN Alliance specifications on the E2 Service Model and SD-RAN code.
- Exploring the potential development of xApps for spectrum sharing and network slicing
- SD-Core
- UE barring issue troubleshooting with Ajay on Slack. Need to provide more logs.
- SD-Core + Ericsson RAN blueprint refinement
- ...
- Infrastructure
- DNS names cleaned up
-,, and work as expected
We don't have control over and redirect to
-,, and work as expected
- Rate-Limits
- For information only – OMECPROJECT Docker Pull Counts
- No progress on plan
- Certificates
- Need authorization for Slack channel update to #aether-tst – pending
- DNS Sites
- Will be moving * to *.aetherproject or *.volthaproject domains as pertinent
- May require additional community and development education.
- DNS names cleaned up
- OnRamp
- PR related to k8s configuration pending - meeting with Gabriel, Suresh and Larry to sync up on this
- Infrastructure
- Confluence
- The site is now read-only as we migrate the contents to the Atlassian Cloud
- The old site will remain available in read-only mode at for at least one month.
- Confluence
- No progress on updating Wiki - Sean to continue on this
- Working on v1.5 release
- Working on documentation and release notes
- To include OAI 5G RAN
- includes "ONF" E2 agent (not OAI's)
- implies need to rebuild OAI images (since E2 agent is statically included)
- Not include update to golang
- Expect announce 1st week of September
- E2SM → Will add O-RAN RC Service Model
- Backward compatible with the old ONF Service Model
- Working on v1.5 release
- Infrastructure
- Jira
- Production site available at
- Still working out Anonymous creation of issues
- Permission Question:
- Currently four levels of access
- Anonymous (users without Atlassian accounts or not logged into them) can Browse and Read existing Issues but not modify anything
- Any Logged in user can basically change almost any field in an issue, and invite people to join the site and become a user
- When invited, specific domains are automatically approved when invitee makes the request
- Basically, any TSC user's domain (that is NOT public (ie, not gmail, yahoo, aol, ...))] is currently automatically approved.
- aether-jira-admin users can update group and user permissions
- admin can do anything.
- QUESTION: Any need now to restrict (beyond being logged in as an approved Aether Jira user) things like:
- Transitioning a ticket between states (including closing)
- Mucking with assignee
- editting fields beyond comments
- → Taking a wait-and-see approach
- Currently four levels of access
- Known TODOs
- Figure out how to let Anonymous users create new tickets
- Currently looks like a separate form to embed on an appropriate webpage that will then go create a ticket based on provided input
- TST Guidance: Lowering the barrier to creating a Jira account >> creating Anonymous Tickets does not need to be supported
- Figure out how to let Anonymous users create new tickets
- Production site available at
- Confluence
- Test migration appeared to complete successfully
- QUESTION: Can I perform the formal migration from existing Confluence DataServer to Confluence Cloud between 12:00 noon Wednesday(8/21) and 12:00 noon Thursday (8/22) (PDT)?
- Will require read-only Confluence installation at start of process until completion.
- Upon completion, existing will point to new site
- Previous site will be maintained for approximately 30 days as an archive/reference site and then hopefully deleted.
- I would hope that people can spend a 30-60 minutes reviewing the site after completion and ensuring things look okay. Hoping to have acceptance of new site by next week's TST.
- Post note on migration to #aether-dev channel
- Jenkins
- No progress as yet
- No roadblocks
- No progress from last week
- Jira
- OnRamp
- PR related to k8s configuration pending
- Still debugging monitoring system (metricfunc failing)
- Question to Group: Anyone connected to "Aether Using Nephio" project?
- SD-Core
- Incorporating the static checks for linting with other PRs
- No progress on logging
- Discussion about e2e test on PRs
- Waiting on repo omec-cni, omec-pod-init (to rename)
- Aether Jira Proposal: Aether Jira Proposal
- Tweaked proposal and accepted as "good enough to get started"
- Should be ready to play with next week
- Github org renaming:
- More representative → Mostly focused on "opennetworkinglab" (should be "aether")
- May break external links, but now is a good time to change since we're creating new docs/pages
- No objection...
- Slack vs Element (
- Limiting history to 1 year (affects "grandfathered" workspaces like onf-community)
- Proposal: prune onf-community back to "aether" and accept history limit (take up with voltha and p4)
- Code of Conduct ((
- Look through the LF standard and decide at a future meeting
- Jenkins Status
- ONOS GitHub Actions
- Actions that run for PR (ROC done)
- Actions that run for PR (SD-RAN done)
- Not yet publishing new Docker images (in progress)
- OnRamp Integration tests
- JJB Related: Jobs with same name as the one created earlier, are not getting created again.
- Native Tests: All the Jenkins jobs are not able to go beyond aether-5gc-install step. → "new group" command hanging
- ONOS GitHub Actions
- omec-pod-init and omec-cni repos Gabriel Arrobo
- These repos are in Gerrit → Why? Not updated in years. Move to omec GitHub? → Yes.
- TST Meetings in July → Will remain on the schedule and expect them to happen (with some people missing)
- DCO (instead of CLA) in place Larry Peterson David Ferguson (Deactivated)
- See Org README here:
- Will current ONF/CLA be removed from the repos/checks? Gabriel Arrobo
- Add more helpful info about DCO so new users know what do to.
- Org README should explain and link DCO.
- David Ferguson (Deactivated) to look into "augmenting" the error message
- Configuring new Jira Larry Peterson David Ferguson (Deactivated)
- Archiving old Jira
- Proposal
- Projects: SD-Core, SD-RAN, ROC, OnRamp, Smart5G
- Workflow: New, Assigned, Resolved, Reopened (start simple)
- What Fields: Description, Status
- Hopefully will demo at next week's TST
- GitHub default branch should be main instead of master. Ajay Lotan Thakur
- Master is old way; main is the new way (and the default)
- Prefer to have all the same; most currently master
- Decision: leave it as is (expect to be mixed)
- BESS-UPF Helm Charts: Current charts assume symmetry for the access and core interfaces (i.e., same CNI Plug-in for both) Gabriel Arrobo
- Any objection about making the Helm Charts as generic as possible such that each individual CNI can be independently chosen?
- Example: access=macvlan, core=host-device
- But it remains the default that they are the same (currently macvlan); so remains backward compatible
- Will eventually want to expose in OnRamp
- Road map cleanup Ajay Lotan Thakur Gabriel Arrobo
- Priority to take up only SBI upgrade this quarter/end of Sept 2024
- Priority on bug fixes and issues reported by other community members
- See Roadmap for more details
- Work harder to get info to the community / work to attract contributors
- SD-RAN update Woojoong Kim (Deactivated)
- Working with a team of 5 students
- Github action → Almost done (run tests and publish images)
- Scalable RAN Simulator → on going; hopefully done in Jun.
- Dependency update → dependabot has been busy; resolving 1-by-1 (waiting on GitHub Actions)
- OnRamp Update Bilal Saleem
- Separate Management Node → Dealing with local charts was the complication
- Dueling Docker installs → Ansible playbook now checks for existing Docker, per Docker best practices
- Check that multiple gNBs work for data plane
- Working on proposal for incorporating scalable Core into OnRamp
- QA Update Kunal Kapoor
- JJB code commit is done
- Working on updating Readme and streamlining the code as per the current requirement.
- David Ferguson (Deactivated) : Customizing the job as opposed to customizing the build machine (so can dynamically grab and release VMs)
- Archive "tiny" (unused) repos [Gabriel]
- As part of release 1.4, several repos were consolidated into the "util" repo
- Do a patch release for Docker images (1.4.1) [Gabriel]
- New Helm Chart also just published
- Expect a PR to update OnRamp
- Working on a blueprint for a DPDK configuration
- SD-Core Roadmap Discussion
- What's the process
- We have an old Google Doc
- Move it in the Wiki
- Community contributes
- How do we move past Release 15?
- Start with OpenAPI spec for R17
- Generate code (and test/fix)
- Results in the wish-list
- What's the process
- SD-RAN Status
- Training new contributors
- To document in a new wiki page for future onboarding
- Jenkins to Github action conversion for SD-RAN is mostly done
- Expect to complete this week
- Training new contributors
- ROC Status
- PR now merged
- New Helm Chart published by GitHub Action
- New version (2.1.36) was published => it did not exist (but has been used by OnRamp)
- What gives???
- OnRamp Status
- Bilal looking into two issues
- Docker issue when deploying in CloudLab
- Local helm charts on master node
- JJB Status
- Testing on AWS (Goal is to be re-producible)
- Automate Jenkins job creation using JJB and definitions from git repo
- Seed Job on builtin node to pull the latest changes in aether-jenkins repo - Done.
- Cron job to update the jobs in Jenkins.
- ...
- LF Transition Update
- Mailing lists now up: tst@, dev@,
- Instructions for joining lists: Visit (dev | announce) to join
- QA Status
- Integrating UERANSIM; expect a PR tomorrow.
- Canonical’s Juju-managed Aether 5G Core (Mark Beierland Serdar Vural)
- Slice Deck: LF Aether TSC (19 March 2024) - Charmed 5G Core.pdf
- Source Code:
- Documentation:
- For lab work using Aether → Please add "abstract/summary" + related links to Research page on wiki.