How to propose roadmap work items

Who can raise feature request?

  • Any individual is eligible to raise new feature request

Where feature can be requested?

  • In weekly TST meeting - Meeting details can be found here
  • Raise feature request in one of the Slack channels
  • Raise feature request in GitHub repository if feature request is specific to a NF/repository

What details are expected in feature request?

  • Team welcome detailed feature request, if possible.
  • Provide enough context, use case and, if possible, design/proposal for the feature. 

JIRA tickets or new features

  • TST team members shall create Jira tickets for new features and put it in backlog
  • Over the period of time, we should groom the features and make it ready for execution
  • Current backlog list can be seen <TBD:add-link> 

How are Features given priority?

  • Given the nature of project, we cannot strictly enforce the order. 
  • As a TST group, we shall set a common project priority, but individuals can still raise the pull request for low priority features.